5 Times Lip Gallagher Epically Failed

Source: https://weheartit.com/entry/233704035

**Spoilers Ahead**

Lip is one of those characters who you love to root for, but end up being so disappointed by. Time and time again, he proves that the only way he knows how to deal with things getting out of hand is to spin out of control. While he is the smartest out of his whole family and has the potential to have a bright future, fate seems to prevent him from progressing. Here are some of the times Lip seemed to be headed in the right direction, but then failed epically:

1. Season 2- When Lip spent Karen’s whole pregnancy thinking it was his to just find out that it wasn’t.
While being with Karen was one of the worst things Lip could’ve done, he still couldn’t help feeling what he felt for her. No matter how badly she treated him, he still ran back to her whenever he got the chance. Finding out she was pregnant really opened his eyes and made him want to step up as a father. While it seemed like the pregnancy could be the end of the world for him, he seemed to take it with ease and wanted to do all he could to provide for her and the baby. Oh, but of course things couldn’t be that easy. Karen just proves how messed up she could be when she gives birth and heartlessly tells Lip that the baby wasn’t his after all. We want to feel bad for Lip, but at the same time, he should’ve known better.

2. Season 6- When Amanda leaked the picture of Helené.
It looked like Lip was finally starting to find a purpose in life.  His relationship with Helené looked like it would be a good thing for him, leading him on a path that could determine his future. Lip finally seemed genuinely happy and Helené was a big part of that. However, Shameless shows us why we mustn’t get our hopes when life is always there to mess everything up. Right when Lip was doing well and was feeling genuine feelings for someone, everything was taken from him in the blink of an eye. Amanda leaking the photo of Helené would only be the first of many troubles that Lip would have to endure this season.

3. Season 6- When Lip gets kicked out of the sorority house after a rough night of partying.
Yea Lip was going through a tough time after losing his love and getting kicked out of his dorm room, but that gave him no reason to act the way he did. Not only did he black out and end up in the hospital after having alcohol poisoning, but he peed on the carpet at the sorority house as well as the sorority group photos and then on top of that, on the sorority mom herself. As if he wasn’t having a rough time already, now he was out of housing and just ruined his last chance at any good. Leave it to Lip to ruin the one good thing that comes to him.

4. Season 7-When Lip loses the appeal to go back to school.
Even after everything Lip put Professor Youens through, he still wanted nothing but the best for Lip. After all, Professor Youens believed in Lip and saw his great potential. Getting him the appeal was the kick the butt Lip needed to get back in school. Lip was going to give school another chance and even gave that very moving speech, but his efforts were not enough this time. His rejection from school would then lead to another one of Lip’s downward spirals. 

5. Season 7-When Lip turned to drinking once again after losing the appeal.
After losing the appeal, Lip does what he knows best and drowns him self in whatever alcohol he could get his hands on. Even after things seemed to be headed in the right direction with Sierra, he ends up ruining that as well. He seemed to have his drinking under control after rehab, but of course he had to deal with his issues in the only way he knew possible. Everyone can see that he’s on the same path as Frank, but this isn’t enough to make him want to change. Time and time again, Lip gets himself into dilemma after dilemma, making us wonder if he’ll ever be the bright and incredible student he’s meant to be.

            While Lip has the ability to be great, he makes all the wrong choices and his stubbornness prevents him from reaching his full potential.  All we want is for Lip to make it out of the ghetto, but it’s easier said than done when you’re a Gallagher. For now, we’ll have to keep hoping for the best and waiting for the day when Lip gets his life on track.
